It’s not a typo, you read it correctly, and it’s true.
First there came the electric Garage Door Opener, then came the remote control, then came cars with built in transmitters, and now you can control your garage door opener with your smart phone.
Available on both Apple and Android devices these apps allow you to remotely control your garage door from pretty much anywhere. Over the past few years we’ve seen the introduction of this ability from a few different manufacturers but it required you to purchase a specific unit. That’s all well and good but what if your opener is only a few years old or in good working order? This would most likely leave you waiting for your opener to need replacement or to come up with some oddball reason to give your spouse to get one of these new motors.
Well wait no more my friends. We now have, in stock, ready for pickup a system that allows almost any garage door opener to be connected to your smart phone.
The setup is fairly straightforward and we have tested them in our locations and they work swimmingly. What’s more is if you run into an issue there is fast and friendly tech support just a phone call away.
Now as for installation, we leave that up to you. Since installation requires access to your phone as well as inside your home we don’t offer installation at this time but that shouldn’t deter you.
Once installed you’ll be able to open your garage for a neighbor needing to borrow your post hole digger, a plumber or contractor, or just if you feel like it. The apps also let you know if the door is up or down and for how long.
You can also connect a light to the system as well as an outlet or two if you have a need to remotely turn on an appliance or table lamp in your home. Pretty cool stuff.
The way it works is by connecting a device to your home network that connects via Wi-Fi to this new system. Once connected the software/firmware connects your device to the Internet allowing it to communicate with your smart phone. Totally secure since part of the setup requires a unique serial number from the back of the purchase device. No two are alike.
** This does work with almost any opener but there are few that are not listed but of those a couple even we have never heard of. Give us a quick call and we should be able to qualify your motor over the phone.
** You will need to have a wireless network in your home.
Call us today and show off to your neighbors and freak out your kids!
Your Overhead Door of Albany™ Team