The lowly garage door hinges. Often neglected, rarely considered. They just keep on doing their job day after day, year after year.
One of the most integral parts of your garage door is the hinge. We like to think of them as the connectors. They allow your garage door sections to remain connected and bend at just the right moment keeping everything moving in harmony.
They’re engineered to perform their duty for a long, long time and as a matter of fact they are one of the least replaced parts on your door. That doesn’t mean you can just neglect them. They have feelings too. They also have a voice which you may have heard. It’s a lot like fingernails on a chalkboard when your door is going up or down.
All they need is a little drink once in a while to keep they satisfied. A nice light oil bath will suffice in almost every case. Simply spray right where the bushing meets the outside wall on both sides and that’s it. (see photo for location)
Doing this once per year or when they tell you they need it will keep them happy and healthy. It will also temper the overall noise for the entire door.
Your Overhead Door™ Team