Everyday office banter can be amusing. Generally speaking we try to enjoy ourselves here on a daily basis. No matter how nutty it may get at times the office staff always seems to find a way to add some levity.
Today the discussion turned to the word button. A word like that seems nebulous enough. A button can be on your shirt, in your car, on your computer or smart phone. Around these parts the word button is used frequently when assisting customers with their garage door openers.
On any given garage door opener motor you will find buttons. They can, and will, be used to setup your motor for the first time or make adjustments to your motor over time. You’ve got buttons for limits. Limits, both up and down, tell your garage door opener how far it needs to travel when opening or closing. When set correctly your door seals when it is closed and stops just in time when it opens completely.
You also have buttons for force control. Force control tells your opener how hard it should push or pull. If the force control is set to light then your door may not close all the way. In other words and older door may require a bit more force control if it rubs or struggles a bit to close. The force control lets you make adjustments to overcome this.
You may also have a button for programming your remote. Your opener probably has something called the learn/code button. This button is pressed when you need to program a remote to operate it. Newer garage door openers make this very easy and in most cases you push this button to put the motor in program mode and then simply start pressing, yet another button, on the remote control until the door operates and you’ve got it set.
There is also a button mounted on the inside of your garage so you can make the door go up and down. This is referred to as the wall console. These are normally hardwired right to the opener but have a button or two nonetheless.
Another popular way to find more buttons in via a wireless keypad mounted outside your garage somewhere. This keypad allows you to operate your opener with a super double secret code that only you and 47 of your closest friends and neighbors should know. (Sarcasm)
And lastly, for those who have HomeLink or Car2U as an option in their vehicle you’ll find buttons located on or above the sunshade somewhere. Those two are put there to operate you door.
So yes, we use the word button a lot and I can only imagine this will become more frequent as more and more people attain the convenience of an electric garage door opener.
For those of you who don’t have one and are still using the squat and lift method give us a call. Let us explain how easy and inexpensive it is to get your own set of buttons.
Your Overhead Door of Albany™ Team